To get there
Reggio has got a small airport with flights from/to Milan, Rome and seasonal from/to Turin, Venice, Pisa and more. Otherwise there are other close international airport you can reach easily like Lamezia Terme and Catania. Check out your best solution.
Train Station
You can get to Reggio by train.
There are connection from Rome, Naples, Turin and Milan.
Se soggiornerete in uno dei B&B che vi abbiamo suggerito riuscirete facilmente a raggiungere la chiesa a piedi, poichè si trova in pieno centro.
Per quanto riguarda lo spostamento dalla Chiesa alla Villa, non preoccupatevi, provvederemo noi a trovare una soluzione per tutti voi forestieri.
Non appena confermate la vostra presenza, teneteci aggiornati così possiamo organizzare al meglio gli spostamenti. Grazie
If you stay in one of the B & B we have suggested, you will easily be able to get to the church on foot, cause it is located right in the city center.
To move from the Church to the Villa, do not worry, we'll find a solution for all of you friends.
As soon as you confirm your presence, please keep us updated, so we can better organize the transfer. Thank you.